Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A much needed break

So this week I have been on Spring Break and it really is a much needed break. School has been stressing me out. Its like every week I have a test and another paper due. Even this week I have to work on two papers and a power point presentation. To add to it my group is still having trouble getting together and the first part of our project is due tuesday.

Today I went with my grandparents to buy a car. I had to wake up at 9am which is really early for me. I didn't even bother to take a shower so my hair was kinda yucky. We got to the place at about 10:30 and spent 3 hours there. I hate car dealerships. The workers are annoying and pushy. But my grandparents did end up getting a good deal on the car they bought.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

A busy week

The past few days have been crazy busy for me. On Monday I had to write a response to a hypothetical situation. It was pretty difficult because the hypothetical situation was complicated and tugged at both my brain and my heart.
On Tuesday I had a midterm for my abnormal psychology class. I didn’t really study for that test. I just did the review and read it over once or twice. It wasn’t to hard which was good. I probably got a B on it. After we finished the test we had to wait for everyone in our groups to finish so we could discuss our powerpoint presentations that are due in a little over a week. I found out that my group is not the only one who hasn’t done shit. You are meeting on Thursday to work on it so hopefully we will finish it.
On Wednesday I had my speech class. we didn’t really do anything but takes notes about friendships. What makes a healthy friendship, how to end toxic friendships etc. We watched a few clips from the show Seinfeld. We also discussed our upcoming term papers that are due in a few weeks. The one I am doing is about friendships and how they vary. I have to watch several movies and use those as examples along with professional journals.
Today I had my philosophy class. We watched Star Trek. It was the episode about Data and wether or not he had a right to make his own choices. I am not a fan of Star Trek but it was a pretty good episode. When then applied it to what we were discussing.
Ok well now I am done with classes for the week that means my spring break has started woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Crazy week

Most of the week was spent studying for tests. I have a psychology test on tuesday and i had to read 4 chapters and do 4 chapter reviews. I am still not done but I will finish them tomorrow.

On thursday on my way home from class some dumb girl almost crashed into me. I was in the second left lane and she was in the lane to my right. When we were maybe two hundred feet from the red light she decides to cross over to the far left lane. She came within inches of hitting me. I don't even think she realized she almost hit me, she was too busy talking to her friends. There were seven people in a tiny 5 person car.

I have been pretty damn stressed out the last few weeks. It seems like I have nothing but essays and tests to do. I have another paper due this week and a bunch of other assignments like a powerpoint. Thankfully spring break is coming up. But even my spring break is going to be busy. I have to prepare for two presentations that I have the week after spring break.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Bubba Gump, the beach, and a loaded issue

Saturday, I picked up my best friend at about noon, we then headed to long beach. We were having lunch with my mom to celebrate my birthday since I wasn’t able to see her on my actual birthday. We went to Bubba Gump shrimp company, it is a restaurant that is based on the movie Forest Gump. This was the first time I have gone there but it was really cool. Our waiter was very nice and really funny.

We all ordered some type of shrimp meal and it was YUMMY! It was also pretty expensive. After that we sat and talked for awhile and then went on our way. My best friend and I decided to go to the beach and watch the people surfing. Most of the people at the beach were using those big kite looking things, I don’t know what they are called. We stayed at the beach for about two hours and then we went back to my house. We watched that show Shear Genius. I love this show. I have never seen any of the previous seasons but I wish I had.

On Sunday I spent the entire day researching and writing a rough draft essay about assisted suicide. I never really paid much attention to this topic because it is a very complicated issue but now I can’t avoid it. After I finished writing my paper I just felt like shit. My mind kept going over all the stuff I read and it just put me in a lousy mood.

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened to me. There have been several times when doing a homework assignment that I started to feel crappy because the topic was a really loaded topic and was emotionally draining. I have always been an emotional person and am easily affected by things I see or read. Sunday night I had a hard time getting to bed.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another midterm

On Thursday I had my philosophy midterm and it wasn’t too bad. It was open note so that helped a lot but there were still some questions that had me stumped. I also had to make up a quiz for this class. What was funny is that I finished my midterm and quiz before the majority of people finished their midterm.
On Friday I didn’t do anything really. I cleaned up the house, cooked dinner, and did some homework. I also got a package from the UPS guy. The reason I didn’t go anywhere was because I knew the UPS guy was going to come and I had to sign for the package. I wish they would give you a time frame of when they will come. I woke up at 8am just in case he came early but nope he came at 4pm. I always hate waiting. I hate waiting for the UPS guy, the phone people, etc.
Today was pretty awesome but I can’t type anymore, my eyes are about to close.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Birthday, Precious, and Midterm

So Tuesday was my birthday! I can honestly say that I do not feel any older but when I think about it I can’t believe I am 20 years old. I am no longer a teenager!
Since it was my birthday I decided to skip class, it wasn’t a big deal because we were just watching a movie that I have already seen. Around 5pm my grandparents came over and we had cake and ice cream. Nothing big because we still are going to celebrate over the weekend. I didn’t get to see my mom that day but she did have flowers delivered to me, they were very pretty.

Yesterday I had to go to my speech class. I filmed my drive to school because I made a deal with some other people to do it. It was a pain in the butt to rig my camera to stay attached to my passenger head rest. But it came out alright I think.

When I got to class we found out we were watching the movie Precious. I wasn’t looking forward to watching it because I have always been the type to cry during sad movies. To my surprise I only welled up twice. If I was home alone I probably would have full on cried like baby lol. I have to say it was a really good movie and was very intense. The scenes between mom and daughter had me on edge and scared of what might happen. Of course we have to do an assignment about it. I think it is going to be about the communication between Precious and her mom.

Today I have a philosophy midterm. I have to say school is kind of kicking my butt. I am sooo tired and my brain is overloaded.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Today I am 20

Today is my birthday!!!!!!!!!!! I am now 20 years old. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think my present to myself is skipping class tonight and just chilling with the family and some friends.


I had my second midterm a few hours ago and I must say it was a lot easier then I thought it was going to be. I was stressing out all week studying for this test and it was easy. It was a lot of work but easy. I had to write three essays and answer 20 questions all in under an hour. My hand was killing me after it was over. Now I have another midterm on thursday!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Strange Love

I was watching a show called “Taboo: strange love”, it is about people who have uncommon relationships. The first person they discussed was a man who was married to a life size doll. He calls the doll his wife and kisses her, makes out with her, dresses her, cleans her, etc. One of the things I found odd was that he said he liked having her as a wife because he can ignore her and not feel guilty about it. Another man has 10 doll wives and he considers them better than real people. He says that the reason he has dolls is because he is unable to build relationships with real people. When he brings home a new doll it is pretty odd. He talks to the doll and introducers her to the rest of the dolls. One of the psychologists on the show says that some men have these dolls because they can be controlled and limits the emotions of the men. I agree with this. Men have the tendency to be the dominant one and like to have control. I also see how this type of relationship with a doll can hinder a person’s ability to interact with real women even more. If you are used to controlling a woman (the doll) you will want to have that same control if you ever become part of a real relationship with a real person.

The second relationships they discussed were arranged marriages between children in Napal. Two 7 year olds were shown getting married. The narrator explained how in this one community marriage has nothing to do with love but with money. After the children are married they go back to their life before marriage and don’t even spend much time together. When they are mature enough to consimate their relationship that is when they move in together. It is suggested that arranged marriages are becoming less and less popular because these people are becoming educated. One of the teenage boys who just moved in with his wife says that he is ready to put an end to arranged marriages even though he himself is in one. I personally could not imagine being in an arranged marriage. I think it is important and a human right to be able to pick who we want to have as a life partner and shouldn’t be a decision people make for us based on money.

Another couple they followed was from Sydney, Australia. They were an unmarried couple who lived together and were committed to each other. The only strange thing about their relationship was that they had negotiated affairs. Each one of them was allowed to sleep with other people as long as there was no intimacy between them and the other people. The other person also had to meet the person partner. The couple said this keeps their relationship stronger because they get to have control over what their partner is doing with the other person. I think that this type of relationship can lead to disaster. What if you partner ends up falling for one of these people that you bring into the relationship? Sure there is no intimacy but they still can develop feelings for the other person. I also think I would be extremely jealous if I knew my partner was sleeping with someone else besides me, even if I was doing the exact same thing.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I hate group work, seriously

Ok so yesterday we had to meet in our groups for my abnormal psychology class. Only three of us were there and boy did it get heated. One of the girls in my group is a lot older then the rest of us and likes to think she is the leader. She is the type of person who thinks she knows everything and she is never wrong. Turns out she was. Our topic is stress and this girl told us we needed to research acute stress and PTSD. We believed her because she talked to the professor. well yesterday we all talked to the professor and found out the girl got it wrong. We have to talk about stress over all not just those two parts of it. Our presentation is due in 3 weeks and I am seriously freaking out.

Also this girl doesn't listen. She is very aggressive and if you try to say something she doesn't agree with she gets very defensive. She is still trying to do things her way but the rest of us seem to be on the same page. The good thing is we get to score each other at the end so it should even out.


Yesterday I had to take a small quiz on stats in my psych critical thinking class. Then we discussed how people use stats to influence people. One of the things we discussed was tooth paste. I remember seeing ads that say something like “63% of dentist recommend this tooth paste”. When you hear that you think wow it must be good if 63% of dentist recommend it. But really that is like 5 out of 7. You also have to think about who they are asking. Are these dentist that get this product for free? Also did they only ask 7 people?
I think that from now on whenever I hear an ad that talks about stats I will have to listen to them a little better.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Kids Birthday party

So on Saturday I went to a birthday party for my best friends nephew. I got there at about 2pm but we didn’t go down to the party till about 2:30. I haven’t been to a kids party in years so I had to get used to it. It was really loud and there were kids running around everywhere. My friend and I were in charge of pictures and video. We spent the time taking pictures and getting video of the kids playing games. Some of the kids were kind of crazy. One little boy when it came time to hit the piƱata went nuts. That kid seems to have some bent up frustrations. After the party we watched some movie and then I went home. When I got home I had to study for an upcoming test.

On Sunday there was another birthday, my grandmas! I started the day by going to buy her a pie, ice cream, and flowers. We didn’t go to her house until 5pm so I spend most of the time before that cooking dinner. I made scalloped potatos, lemon chicken with an avocado/sour cream/lemon sauce and bisquits. It was soooo yummy! When we went to my grandmas we ate dinner and then had pie. The pie was sooooo good too. Then it was time for presents. My grandma doesn’t like to get presents. She says she has too much stuff as it is but we always get her something anyways. After talking awhile we went home and I had to do more homework for my critical thinking class.

I know I got a little behind on my post but for some reason I haven’t been able to log on to my blog for the last two days. Oh well.