Thursday, March 11, 2010

Birthday, Precious, and Midterm

So Tuesday was my birthday! I can honestly say that I do not feel any older but when I think about it I can’t believe I am 20 years old. I am no longer a teenager!
Since it was my birthday I decided to skip class, it wasn’t a big deal because we were just watching a movie that I have already seen. Around 5pm my grandparents came over and we had cake and ice cream. Nothing big because we still are going to celebrate over the weekend. I didn’t get to see my mom that day but she did have flowers delivered to me, they were very pretty.

Yesterday I had to go to my speech class. I filmed my drive to school because I made a deal with some other people to do it. It was a pain in the butt to rig my camera to stay attached to my passenger head rest. But it came out alright I think.

When I got to class we found out we were watching the movie Precious. I wasn’t looking forward to watching it because I have always been the type to cry during sad movies. To my surprise I only welled up twice. If I was home alone I probably would have full on cried like baby lol. I have to say it was a really good movie and was very intense. The scenes between mom and daughter had me on edge and scared of what might happen. Of course we have to do an assignment about it. I think it is going to be about the communication between Precious and her mom.

Today I have a philosophy midterm. I have to say school is kind of kicking my butt. I am sooo tired and my brain is overloaded.

1 comment:

  1. Good Luck!!!!....on your midterm and yep, your not a teen anymore
